About this website

We all need our stories.  Some people watch soap operas.  Others enjoy wrestling.  Superheroes are just my stories.  I’ve come across so many wonderful comic books, and I want to share the plots and characters I’ve enjoyed so new fans can find comics they would like and established fans can find stories they look forward to reading.  This website is a celebration of comics, never a criticism.

My name is Jason Levine.  Please e-mail me at levine.a.jason@gmail.com.

22 Comments on “About this website”

  1. tyciol says:

    I like your comics coverage, very interesting.

  2. tyciol says:

    I am enjoying reading your blog posts, though it does load quite a lot of content per page, lol

  3. tatu says:

    I am a man who cares nothing for comics, yet I still find this blog both witty and curiously entertaining. Please don’t stop posting, your blog gives me something to read instead of D’Arcy McNickle’s depressing post-colonial novels.

    • Jason Levine says:

      Thank you very much! And as an English major, I totally understand super sad books. I still have a single frustrated tear roll down my cheek every time I hear the word Victorian.

  4. Dee says:

    I just wanted you to know that I love your blog. I just recently got into comic book characters, mostly DC Universe, and your articles are so interesting and really helpful on getting to know the characters. You’re awesome and keep up the fantastic work!! Thumbs up, dude!!

  5. gau4o says:

    I enjoy your blog. We in Russia are not a lot of interesting blogs about comics. Thank you for the opportunity to learn a great deal! Удачи!

  6. DreJr says:

    I love your writing and the topics. Best site I have been on today!

  7. Randy Montante says:

    Well then. I just put off 3 papers to read most if not all of the articles in the blog. Compelling reads, and not just cuz I knew a lot of these stories already, you compounded them and with just enough discretion. How did you feel about DCnU’s Suicide Squad? That was a pretty damn good read.Keep it up. From a Marvel fanboy to another.

  8. Been wanting for awhile to say thank you for a truly unique blog. Your knowledge and love of comics reminds me of how they were exciting and something to always look forward to when I was a kid. But its more than your nostalgic approach. You show us that they can be for adults too. My wife and I are enjoying our second Renaissance with collecting comics again and always look forward to your blog. Keep up the great work!
    Thought that I’d also pass this Batman/ Joker one-off fan comic along as its amazing- http://moonheadpress.blogspot.com/2013/11/the-deal.html

    • Jason Levine says:

      Thank you, I appreciate it! And that comic was amazing, I love the theories that the Joker and Batman have a deeper love (physical, mental, emotional) than just arch-enemies! Have a wonderful day!

  9. David Huflf says:

    Best.website.ever. Thanks for reawakening the long dormant comic nerd inside me with this incredible work. Seriously, tip of the hat, and please keeping doing the Lord’s work. Also, your spiderman/virtue and explaining superior spiderman posts were awesome.

    PS – my wife hates you and your website for stealing her husband for the last couple of days while he read each of your posts.

    PPS – DC and Marvel lawyers, I’m gonna start buying your clients’ comics solely because of this site.

  10. Samantha says:

    Oh dear…you are a terrible human being. I am an adult! I now have works to do, geology powerpoints to make, fake volcanoes to construct, and nanowrimo to prioritize…but noooo…now I have hundreds of pages of comics to distract myself with. It’s all your fault I’m not getting any work done tonight!

    Joking aside, this is a brilliant site. I am just tickled pink that I found it. I’ve been really missing my comics and graphic novels that I had to leave in Canada when I moved to Ireland. This is giving me a nice sort of middle ground until I can pick my collections back up when I move back.

    I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your commentary. Thanks for the smiles and stories. You have a new follower ^^
    Have a great day!

  11. Drake Burrus says:

    I have been reading your wonderful blog for about a month now and it has sparked a newfound love of comic books in me.
    It’s not only the excellent content of the comics on this site, but your stellar cometary that keeps me coming back for more. I would like to thank you for the countless hours you put into this site and for bringing a smile to my face with your witty humor. I would like to ask you if you have a few good starting points that you would recommend for a relative newcomer like myself. Thanks again.Are you ready for school tomorrow?

  12. Drake Burrus says:

    Ingore the last bit, my phone was being stupid.

  13. Steven says:

    I’ve always been a superhero fan (Superman forever), but I never read comics growing up. Now I’m in my late 20’s and am just starting to find how much I love all the stories. This website has been pivotal in awakening that interest in me. Religious though I am, with plenty of role models, I find that these heroes also make me want to be a better person. The punching doesn’t hurt either.

    I also appreciate how you are one of the few people who embraces the good in all comics and characters, rather than picking a favorite and demonizing others (“Superman sucks”, DC vs. Marvel, etc.). You’ve broadened my horizons.

    Just wanted to say thanks. Best wishes for you right now.

  14. I’ve nominated you for the Real Neat Blog Award. Check out the post when you have a chance:

    Real Neat Blog Award

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