Beast loves Agent Brand

Poor Beast.  He dated a little bit before he mutated into the blue animal he is today, but once he became the world’s smartest yeti, the whole dating scene got a little tougher.  But if the Thing can do it, why not Beast?  Well, there’s a big difference between the two: precedents.


Bestiality’s the difference.  You see, we’ve known for centuries that dating animals is not only gross, but also way against any rules of society.  Orange rock monsters though?  Society doesn’t have any misgivings against that.  Yet.

Don’t feel bad though, because despite the smell and shedding, Beast has quite a few things going for him.  First, he’s easily one of the ten smartest people in the world — Mr. Fantastic will totally call him up occasionally to schmooze science.  That and Beast’s super strength, super agility, and being a founding member of the X-Men.  He can do better than Trish Tiby.


Three excuses, all lies.  She can’t handle him anyway.  But I know someone who can.

Today, we’re taking a look at the tumultuous courtship and relationship of Beast and Agent Abigail Brand, commander of the alien defense organization S.W.O.R.D. (Sentient World Observation and Response Department).  To avoid listing issues individually, once again here’s a giant list of comics used today in the order used:

X-Men #117, written by Grant Morrison and drawn by Ethan Van Sciver
X-Men #125, written by Grant Morrison and drawn by Igor Kordey
Astonishing X-Men #7, written by Joss Whedon and drawn by John Cassaday
Astonishing X-Men #20, written by Joss Whedon and drawn by John Cassaday
Astonishing X-Men #21, written by Joss Whedon and drawn by John Cassaday
Astonishing X-Men #22, written by Joss Whedon and drawn by John Cassaday
Astonishing X-Men #24, written by Joss Whedon and drawn by John Cassaday
Giant-Sized Astonishing X-Men #1, written by Joss Whedon and drawn by John Cassaday
Astonishing X-Men #27, written by Warren Ellis and drawn by Simone Bianchi
X-Men Regenesis one-shot, written by Kieron Gillen and drawn by Billy Tan
S.W.O.R.D. #1, written by Kieron Gillen and drawn by Steven Sanders
S.W.O.R.D. #3, written by Kieron Gillen and drawn by Steven Sanders
S.W.O.R.D. #5, written by Kieron Gillen and drawn by Steven Sanders

Okay, long list.  Let’s begin.  Have you met Agent Brand?


You won’t find any insecurities with this young lady.  Naturally green hair, completely self-confident, accomplished military career, and not a lick of fear for mutants of any shape or color.  When she calls upon the X-Men to aid her team on Breakworld, the mission goes badly immediately, but that’s expected in comics.



Can you feel the love?  Only a few more panels until Elton John’s singing their theme song.  The animosity doesn’t really get much better this arc.  To be fair, Agent Brand kind of deserves it. Eventually, the group splits up and our lovebirds go off together.



No dirty thoughts.  Turns out Brand’s half-mutant and can project heat from her hands.  If only power was enough to ignite Beast’s heart.  Though if that’s all it took, he’d be dating Silver Surfer.



Back-to-back X-Men insults.  While her personality did not and will never change, she’s not above grand gestures.



Not really romantic.  Agent Brand’s success comes from her rationally tough choices.  In that moment, she realized there was no way to prevent the enemy’s attack, and Beast’s science knowledge was far more useful to success than her gung-ho attitude.  Now ready for some romance?


Okay, not romantic either.  Agent Brand’s not really the mushy type.


That’s as close to sweeping Beast off his feet and smothering kisses on that furry face as Brand’ll get. And you know what?  That’s good enough for Beast.


The couple does work.  Agent Brand doesn’t have any hang ups about what other people think of her dating Beast, plus she finds him irresistibly attractive.  And the sweet, sensitive Beast can add some of those emotions into her life that she so desperately need.  I’m serious, they mesh well.



Ignore caveman Wolverine and caveman Cyclops.  Unrelated literary metaphor.




But to sum up their relationship?


There’re still together currently.  Warm fuzzies all over, right?

Articles sorted by character

Hopefully this’ll make searching for a specific character a much easier process than using the search bar.  Characters are organized by company and alphabetically.  In order for a character (or team) to get an article under his or her name, he or she had to be either the star or have a major role in it. Thanks for reading!


Abigail Brand
Beast loves Agent Brand

Alicia Masters
Thing loves Alicia

Amadeus Cho
Amadeus Cho’s genius battle
Amadeus and Delphyne’s love story, Pt. 1
Amadeus and Delphyne’s love story, Pt. 2
Amadeus and Delphyne’s love story, Pt. 3

Guardians of the Galaxy vs. Angela

Hercules vs. Ares

Intermission: Attuma

Aunt May
Peter Parker is Spider-Man

The Avengers fight Nazi mechs
A magical ride with the Avengers
Ultimates vs. Hulk
Black Widow vs. the Avengers
The vengeance of Doctor Strange, Pt. 1
The vengeance of Doctor Strange, Pt. 2
Famous panels: Vision
The end of the Hood’s reign

Avengers Academy
Emma Frost vs. Avengers Academy

Punisher (with blood!)

Beast loves Agent Brand

Bill Cobb Jr.
The complete story of Bill and Kelda, Pt. 1
The complete story of Bill and Kelda, Pt. 2
The complete story of Bill and Kelda, Pt. 3
The complete story of Bill and Kelda, Pt. 4

Black Cat
Spider-Man & Black Cat’s web-fling

Black Panther (T’Challa)
Storm vs. everybody
Black Panther, Kraven, and rooftops
Superhero fistfights 2!
The marriage (and divorce) of Storm and Black Panther

Black Panther (Shuri)
Black Panther vs. Morlun

Black Widow (Natalia Romanova)
A brief moment with Black Widow
Black Widow explains the revolving death door
Daredevil vs. Bullseye

Black Widow (Yelena Belova)
Black Widow vs. the Avengers

Fun with Deadpool
Daredevil and Spider-Man get pissed off
Daredevil vs. Bullseye
Daredevil vs. Bullseye 2
Daredevil vs. Bullseye 3
Daredevil vs. Bullseye 4

Cammi Benally
Cammi and the rebirth of Drax
Cammi and Drax in space, Pt. 1
Cammi and Drax in space, Pt. 2
Cammi and the Avengers Arena

Captain America
Captain America punches faces
Captain America punches faces, Pt. 2
Captain America rallies the troops
The Captain America assassination & rematch
Heartfelt moments with the Avengers
Superhero fistfights!
Famous panels: Captain America
Famous panels: Captain America 2
The updated origins of Bucky
Captain America vs. Giant Man

Cloak and Dagger
Norman Osborn’s recruiting drive: Cloak and Dagger

Red Hulk brawls, Pt. 3
Superhero fistfights 3!
Kitty Pryde’s rebound boyfriend Iceman
Colossus hits stuff

Nova, Cosmo, and the monster on Knowhere

Count Nefaria
Moon Knight fights out of his league
The end of the Hood’s reign

The Captain America assassination & rematch

Professor X: memory hog
Professor X vs. Cyclops & Emma Frost
A vacation ambush with Cyclops
X-Men vs. Juggernaut, Pt. 1
X-Men vs. Juggernaut, Pt. 2
The redemption of Magneto, Pt. 1
1980s Cyclops battles, Pt. 1
1980s Cyclops battles, Pt. 2

Daimon Hellstrom
Hellcat’s return, Pt. 2

Daken Akihiro
Daken & X-23 hang out, claw stuff
Daken’s final stand
Daken’s actual final stand
Daken vs. Taskmaster, Moon Knight
Daken’s Heat Vision

Professor X’s Rogue redemption

Daredevil and Spider-Man get pissed off
Daredevil vs. Punisher
Wolverine vs. Fantastic Four, Daredevil
Jailbreak: Daredevil
Famous panels: Daredevil
Old school: Small town Daredevil
New school: Small town Daredevil
The Batman and Daredevil team up
The Batman and Daredevil team up 2
Daredevil vs. Bullseye
Daredevil vs. Bullseye 2
Daredevil vs. Bullseye 3
Daredevil vs. Bullseye 4

Fun with Deadpool
The appeal of Deadpool
Deadpool’s Hit-Monkey problem
Deadpool joins the X-Men
Deadpool, Apocalypse’s hero
The appeal of Deadpool

Delphyne Gorgon
Amadeus and Delphyne’s love story, Pt. 1
Amadeus and Delphyne’s love story, Pt. 2
Amadeus and Delphyne’s love story, Pt. 3

Doc Samson
Superheroes and Judaism, Pt. 2
Iron Man fights bureaucracy

Doctor Doom
The whirlwind romance of Dr. Doom and Scarlet Witch
Arch-nemesis rumble: Fantastic Four
The motivations of Doctor Doom
The fantastic Invisible Woman
Intermission: Attuma
Intermission: Doctor Doom

Doctor Octopus
I explain the events that led up to Superior Spider-Man
Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus rewind, Pt. 1
Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus rewind, Pt. 2
Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus rewind, Pt. 3
Doctor Octopus bullies Iron Man
Superior Spider-Man vs. Massacre

Doctor Strange
Don’t mess with Dr. Strange
Ms. Marvel’s magical catfight
Demonic baseball with Dr. Strange
The vengeance of Doctor Strange, Pt. 1
The vengeance of Doctor Strange, Pt. 2
How Doctor Strange lost his Sorcerer Supreme title
Ghost Rider vs. Doctor Strange

Donald Blake
The Thor and Jane melodrama

Drax the Destroyer
Cammi and the rebirth of Drax
Cammi and Drax in space, Pt. 1
Cammi and Drax in space, Pt. 2

Maybe Electro just needs a hug?
Electro’s Occupy Wall Street
The origin of Electro
Electro vs. Spider-Man, Pt. 1
Electro vs. Spider-Man, Pt. 2

Murdering with Punisher and Elektra
Hercules, Elektra, and ninjas
The art of war with Elektra
Daredevil vs. Bullseye 3

Emma Frost
Professor X vs. Cyclops & Emma Frost
Inner monologues of the X-Men
Emma Frost vs. Avengers Academy
Superhero fistfights 2!
Kitty Pryde vs. Emma Frost

Pixie and the X-Men’s revenge, Pt. 1
Pixie and the X-Men’s revenge, Pt. 2

Spider-Man takes on Morlun, Pt. 1
Spider-Man takes on Morlun, Pt. 2

Fantastic Four
The delightful Fantastic Four
Wolverine vs. Fantastic Four, Daredevil
Arch-nemesis rumble: Fantastic Four
The Fantastic Four get proactive
Non-violent interludes and other happy tales
Daken’s final stand
The Thing’s fiancée, Pt. 1
The Thing’s fiancée, Pt. 2
More Fantastic Four
The fantastic Invisible Woman
Norman Osborn and the Fantastic Four kids

Fat Cobra
Jokin’ with Wolverine

The fabulous Frog-Man

Nova vs. Nova

Professor X’s Rogue redemption
Superhero fistfights!

Ghost Rider
Hulk vs. Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider vs. Doctor Strange

Iron Man and the Graviton problem

Green Goblin (Norman Osborn)
Green Goblin vs. Swordsman
Raising a superfamily with the Cages
A Green Goblin intermission
Norman Osborn’s recruiting drive: Namor
Norman Osborn’s recruiting drive: Cloak and Dagger
Norman Osborn’s recruiting drive: Mystique
Norman Osborn and the Fantastic Four kids
Intermission: Norman Osborn

Grey Gargoyle
Iron Man roughs up Grey Gargoyle

Gorilla Man
Jokin’ with Wolverine

Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy vs. Angela

Hank Pym (Giant Man)
Hank Pym loves Tigra
Captain America vs. Giant Man
The many names of Hank Pym

Harry Osborn
Vin Gonzales and the Goblin Cult

Hawkeye & Spider-Woman: a love story
Heartfelt moments with the Avengers
Severely mismatched super battles

Hellcat saves Alaska, Pt. 1
Hellcat saves Alaska, Pt. 2
Hellcat’s return, Pt. 1
Hellcat’s return, Pt. 2

The art of seduction with Hercules
Hercules vs. Hulk
Wolverine & Hercules: drinking buddies, monster slayers
Spider-Girl & Hercules battle Hobgoblin
Hercules vs. Ares
The Amazing Spider-Herc
Let’s take a break with Hercules and Psylocke
Hercules, Elektra, and ninjas

Deadpool’s Hit-Monkey problem

Hobgoblin (Phil Urich)
Spider-Girl & Hercules battle Hobgoblin

A magical ride with the Avengers
Blood, wizards, and the Punisher
Tigra’s vengeance on the Hood
The end of the Hood’s reign

Hulk vs. X-Men
Hulk-ing around
Hercules vs. Hulk
Ultimates vs. Hulk
Red Hulk brawls, Pt. 1
How Doctor Strange lost his Sorcerer Supreme title
Hulk vs. Ghost Rider
Hulk and Thing: a monster conversation

Human Torch (Johnny Storm)
Human Torch, Negative Zone gladiator
Hulk and Thing: a monster conversation

The love story of Iceman & Mystique, Pt. 1
The love story of Iceman & Mystique, Pt. 2
The love story of Iceman & Mystique, Pt. 3
Kitty Pryde’s rebound boyfriend Iceman

A magical ride with the Avengers
Noh-Varr: the Illuminati’s warrior

Invisible Woman
A non-love story with Namor and Sue
Mr. Fantastic vs. Namor
Thing loves Invisible Woman
Civil War: Mr. Fantastic & Invisible Woman, Pt. 1
Civil War: Mr. Fantastic & Invisible Woman, Pt. 2
The fantastic Invisible Woman

Iron Man
Thor vs. Iron Man
Iron Man: Orator
Doctor Octopus bullies Iron Man
Iron Man roughs up Grey Gargoyle
The Iron Man impostor, Pt. 1
The Iron Man impostor, Pt. 2
Civil War: Iron Man & Kingpin
Iron Man and the Graviton problem
Iron Man fights bureaucracy
Iron Man and his father
War Machine’s anger issues

J. Jonah Jameson
Spider-Man and J. Jonah Jameson go camping

Jack Flag
The legend of Jack Flag

Jane Foster
Learn to love again with Thor
The Thor and Jane melodrama

Jessica Jones
Luke Cage & Jessica Jones get married
Raising a superfamily with the Cages

Arch-nemesis brawl: Punisher
Punisher: attack of the Jigsaws, Pt. 1
Punisher: attack of the Jigsaws, Pt. 2

Robin loves Jubilee
Jubilee turns into a vampire, Pt. 1
Jubilee turns into a vampire, Pt. 2
The friendship of X-23 & Jubilee
Jubilee’s baby, Pt. 1
Jubilee’s baby, Pt. 2

She-Hulk loves Juggernaut
A vacation ambush with Cyclops
X-Men vs. Juggernaut, Pt. 1
X-Men vs. Juggernaut, Pt. 2

Superheroes and Judaism, Pt. 3

Kelda Stormrider
The complete story of Bill and Kelda, Pt. 1
The complete story of Bill and Kelda, Pt. 2
The complete story of Bill and Kelda, Pt. 3
The complete story of Bill and Kelda, Pt. 4

Kid Apocalypse (Genesis)
Deadpool, Apocalypse’s hero

Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat)
The redemption of Magneto, Pt. 2
Superheroes and Judaism, Pt. 1
Famous panels: Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde’s rebound boyfriend Iceman
Kitty Pryde vs. Emma Frost
The many names of Kitty Pryde

It gets better, Kingpin
Daredevil and Spider-Man get pissed off
Late night superhero poker
Jailbreak: Daredevil
Civil War: Iron Man & Kingpin

Kraven the Hunter
Spider-Man & pals get hunted, Pt. 1
Spider-Man & pals get hunted, Pt. 2
Black Panther, Kraven, and rooftops

Kraven the Hunter (Ana Kravinoff)
Introduction to Spider-Girl (with Kraven!)
The bloody, mistaken identity of Spider-Man

Loki and his pal Spider-Man
Loki tales

Luke Cage
Luke Cage & Jessica Jones get married
Raising a superfamily with the Cages

The adventures of Mandrill

Mary Jane Watson
The amazing Mary Jane Watson

Amazing Spider-Man vs. Massacre
Superior Spider-Man vs. Massacre

Ultimate Magneto’s wild ride
Magneto’s clone problem, Pt. 1
Magneto’s clone problem, Pt. 2
Quicksilver: equally amazing and dysfunctional
The redemption of Magneto, Pt. 1
The redemption of Magneto, Pt. 2
Superheroes and Judaism, Pt. 1
Magneto: hero/villain
More Magneto: hero/villain

Moon Knight
Moon Knight fights out of his league
Superheroes and Judaism, Pt. 2
Daken vs. Taskmaster, Moon Knight
Moon Knight’s opening scene

Spider-Man takes on Morlun, Pt. 1
Spider-Man takes on Morlun, Pt. 2
Spider-Man takes on Morlun, Pt. 3
Black Panther vs. Morlun

Mr. Fantastic
Mr. Fantastic vs. Namor
More Fantastic Four
Thing loves Invisible Woman
Civil War: Mr. Fantastic & Invisible Woman, Pt. 1
Civil War: Mr. Fantastic & Invisible Woman, Pt. 2

Ms. Marvel
First date with Spider-Man & Ms. Marvel
Ms. Marvel: a tale of two boyfriends
Ms. Marvel’s magical catfight
Ms. Marvel’s cat Chewie

Mystique: how a shapeshifter fights
Wolverine vs. Mystique
The love story of Iceman & Mystique, Pt. 1
The love story of Iceman & Mystique, Pt. 2
The love story of Iceman & Mystique, Pt. 3
Norman Osborn’s recruiting drive: Mystique

Namor and fish politics
A non-love story with Namor and Sue
Wolverine hunts down that jerk Nitro, Pt. 2
Mr. Fantastic vs. Namor
Superhero fistfights!
Norman Osborn’s recruiting drive: Namor
Intermission: Namor

Speedball’s cat Niels/Hairball

Inner monologues of the X-Men
The Nightcrawler and Scalphunter exchange

Wolverine hunts down that jerk Nitro, Pt. 1
Wolverine hunts down that jerk Nitro, Pt. 2

Noh-Varr vs. Young Avengers
Noh-Varr: the Illuminati’s warrior

Northstar’s deportation problem

Nova (Richard Rider)
Cammi and Drax in space, Pt. 1
Nova, Cosmo, and the monster on Knowhere
Nova and Super-Skrull’s jungle adventure
Nova vs. Nova

Pet Avengers
Speedball’s cat Niels/Hairball

Pixie and the X-Men’s revenge, Pt. 1
Pixie and the X-Men’s revenge, Pt. 2

Professor X
Professor X: memory hog
Professor X’s Rogue redemption
Professor X vs. Cyclops & Emma Frost
Famous panels: Kitty Pryde
Magneto: hero/villain
Jubilee turns into a vampire, Pt. 2

Punisher: Nazi Hunter
Punisher (with blood!)
Daredevil vs. Punisher
Arch-nemesis brawl: Punisher
Punisher vs. Rampage
Blood, wizards, and the Punisher
Punisher: attack of the Jigsaws, Pt. 1
Punisher: attack of the Jigsaws, Pt. 2
Murdering with Punisher and Elektra
Severely mismatched super battles
Punisher and the Sentry chase
Jailbreak: Daredevil
The appeal of Deadpool
Punisher vs. Thor
Batman vs. Punisher
Batman vs. Punisher 2
10 times Punisher smiled

Let’s take a break with Hercules and Psylocke

Quicksilver: equally amazing and dysfunctional

Red Hulk
Red Hulk brawls, Pt. 1
Red Hulk brawls, Pt. 2
Red Hulk brawls, Pt. 3
The exorcism of Red Hulk

Red Skull
Magneto: hero/villain
More Magneto: hero/villain

Professor X’s Rogue redemption

Superheroes and Judaism, Pt. 3

Wolverine: a love story, Pt. 1
Wolverine: a love story, Pt. 2

Princess Sandman and Spider-Man

The Nightcrawler and Scalphunter exchange

Scarlet Witch
The whirlwind romance of Dr. Doom and Scarlet Witch
Quicksilver: equally amazing and dysfunctional

Punisher and the Sentry chase

She-Hulk loves Juggernaut
Red Hulk brawls, Pt. 2
She-Hulk vs. Super-Skrull’s parenting, Pt. 1
She-Hulk vs. Super-Skrull’s parenting, Pt. 2

Shogo Lee
Jubilee’s baby, Pt. 1
Jubilee’s baby, Pt. 2

Sinister Six
Spider-Man and the first Sinister Six

Skaar, Son of Hulk
Hulk-ing around

The tragic tale of Speedball and Penance, Pt. 1
The tragic tale of Speedball and Penance, Pt. 2
The tragic tale of Speedball and Penance, Pt. 3

Introduction to Spider-Girl (with Kraven!)
Spider-Girl & Hercules battle Hobgoblin

It gets better, Kingpin
Loki and his pal Spider-Man
Daredevil and Spider-Man get pissed off
Late night superhero poker
Princess Sandman and Spider-Man
Spider-Man’s sidekick Virtue, Pt. 1
Spider-Man’s sidekick Virtue, Pt. 2
First date with Spider-Man & Ms. Marvel
Spider-Man takes on Morlun, Pt. 1
Spider-Man takes on Morlun, Pt. 2
Spider-Man takes on Morlun, Pt. 3
Spider-Man & Black Cat’s web-fling
Deadpool’s Hit-Monkey problem
The adventures of Mandrill
Spider-Man & pals get hunted, Pt. 1
Spider-Man & pals get hunted, Pt. 2
Electro’s Occupy Wall Street
Heartfelt moments with the Avengers
Severely mismatched super battles
Non-violent interludes and other happy tales
I explain the events that led up to Superior Spider-Man
Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus rewind, Pt. 1
Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus rewind, Pt. 2
Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus rewind, Pt. 3
A Green Goblin intermission
Spider-Man and the never-ending guilt trip
The appeal of Deadpool
Wolverine, Spider-Man vs. Planet Doom
A Spider-Man love story interlude
Peter Parker is Spider-Man
Amazing Spider-Man vs. Massacre
Superior Spider-Man vs. Massacre
Spider-Man and J. Jonah Jameson go camping
Superhero fistfights 3!
Peter Parker loves Carlie Cooper
Spider-Man and the first Sinister Six
The bloody, mistaken identity of Spider-Man
Gambling on Spider-Man
Electro vs. Spider-Man, Pt. 1
Electro vs. Spider-Man, Pt. 2
Spider-Man vs. Thing
Spider-Man and Wolverine’s sleepover
10 times Spider-Man got kicked in the head

Hawkeye & Spider-Woman: a love story

Intermission: Norman Osborn

Storm vs. everybody
Superhero fistfights 2!
The marriage (and divorce) of Storm and Black Panther
Thor vs. Storm
1980s Cyclops battles, Pt. 2

Super-Skrull (Kl’rt)
The Super-Skrull saves the galaxy, Pt. 1
The Super-Skrull saves the galaxy, Pt. 2
The Super-Skrull saves the galaxy, Pt. 3
Nova and Super-Skrull’s jungle adventure
She-Hulk vs. Super-Skrull’s parenting, Pt. 1
She-Hulk vs. Super-Skrull’s parenting, Pt. 2

Green Goblin vs. Swordsman

Taskmaster’s amnesia quest
Daken vs. Taskmaster, Moon Knight

Thing loves Alicia
Red Hulk brawls, Pt. 3
Superheroes and Judaism, Pt. 3
The Thing’s fiancée, Pt. 1
The Thing’s fiancée, Pt. 2
Superhero fistfights!
Thing loves Invisible Woman
Spider-Man vs. Thing
Civil War: Thing

Learn to love again with Thor
Thor vs. Iron Man
The Thor and Jane melodrama
Loki tales
Life questions with Thor
Red Hulk brawls, Pt. 1
Red Hulk brawls, Pt. 2
Superhero fistfights 2!
Thor vs. Storm
Punisher vs. Thor
Hulk and Thing: a monster conversation

The legend of Jack Flag

Tigra’s vengeance on the Hood
Hank Pym loves Tigra

Ursa Major
Ursa Major will maul your heart

Venom (Mac Gargan)
Namor and fish politics
Green Goblin vs. Swordsman

Venom (Flash Thompson)
Flash Thompson: superhero, Pt. 1
Flash Thompson: superhero, Pt. 2

Vin Gonzales
The bloody, mistaken identity of Spider-Man
Vin Gonzales and the Goblin Cult

Spider-Man’s sidekick Virtue, Pt. 1
Spider-Man’s sidekick Virtue, Pt. 2

Famous panels: Vision

Professor X: memory hog

War Machine
War Machine’s anger issues

The whirlwind romance of Dr. Doom and Scarlet Witch

Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes)
Jailbreak: Winter Soldier
The updated origins of Bucky

Jokin’ with Wolverine
Wolverine vs. Fantastic Four, Daredevil
Wolverine & Hercules: drinking buddies, monster slayers
Wolverine’s mind sewage
Wolverine vs. Mystique
Wolverine: a love story, Pt. 1
Wolverine: a love story, Pt. 2
Daken’s final stand
Daken’s actual final stand
Wolverine hunts down that jerk Nitro, Pt. 1
Wolverine hunts down that jerk Nitro, Pt. 2
Wolverine, Spider-Man vs. Planet Doom
Magneto: hero/villain
Famous panels: Wolverine
Spider-Man and Wolverine’s sleepover

Wonder Man
Ms. Marvel: a tale of two boyfriends

Emma Frost vs. Avengers Academy
Daken & X-23 hang out, claw stuff
The friendship of X-23 & Jubilee

Hulk vs. X-Men
Deadpool joins the X-Men
X-Men vs. Juggernaut, Pt. 1
X-Men vs. Juggernaut, Pt. 2
The Amazing Spider-Herc
Pixie and the X-Men’s revenge, Pt. 1
Pixie and the X-Men’s revenge, Pt. 2
1980s Cyclops battles, Pt. 1


Alfred Pennyworth
The benefits of Alfred Pennyworth

Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez)
Aquaman’s Sub Diego, Pt. 1
Aquaman’s Sub Diego, Pt. 2

Aqualad (Jackson Hyde)
Aquaman vs. Black Manta
Aquaman vs. Black Manta: round two, Pt. 1
Aquaman vs. Black Manta: round two, Pt. 2

Aquaman’s Sub Diego, Pt. 1
Aquaman’s Sub Diego, Pt. 2
Cool Aquaman moments
Aquaman’s Eel problem
Aquaman, Mera, and their Aquababy, Pt. 1
Aquaman, Mera, and their Aquababy, Pt. 2
Aquaman, Mera, and their Aquababy, Pt. 3
Aquaman and Mera meet again
Aquaman and Mera’s reconciliation, Pt. 1
Aquaman and Mera’s reconciliation, Pt. 2
Aquaman vs. Black Manta
Aquaman vs. Black Manta: round two, Pt. 1
Aquaman vs. Black Manta: round two, Pt. 2
Aquaman loses his hand
Aquaman vs. Superboy
We are all Aquaman

Ariana Dzerchenko
Robin’s birds and bees

Atom (Ryan Choi)
The Atom takes on the Titans

Azrael (Jean-Paul Valley)
Azrael & Bane: Knightfall
Batman & Azrael: KnightsEnd
Batman & Azrael: round two
Azrael & Batgirl: a Christmas story
Azrael & Batgirl meet the Joker
Azrael vs. Bane: round two, Pt. 1
Azrael vs. Bane: round two, Pt. 2
Batman vs. Punisher

Important Batman hero and villain questions finally answered
Batman & Bane: blood brothers
Bane & Batman: Knightfall
Azrael & Bane: Knightfall
Azrael vs. Bane: round two, Pt. 1
Azrael vs. Bane: round two, Pt. 2
Bane overcomes his venom addiction
Batman vs. Bane: New 52

Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)
Batgirl goes clubbing
Batgirl takes on Arkham Asylum
Nightwing’s Blockbuster confession

Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
Batgirl’s death duel against Lady Shiva
Batgirl & Superboy’s whirlwind romance
Azrael & Batgirl: a Christmas story
Azrael & Batgirl meet the Joker
Batgirl’s daddy issues

Batgirl (Stephanie Brown)
Batgirl and the assassin prep school
A love reunion with Batgirl and Red Robin
Livewire attempts crime

Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Important Batman hero and villain questions finally answered
Superman and the genre-switching kryptonite
Batman and Catwoman fight crime, fall in love
Batman & Bane: blood brothers
Wonder Woman’s Batman dilemma
Catwoman loves Batman
Batman vs. Joker vs. Ra’s al Ghul
Therapy with Batman & Nightwing
Severely mismatched super battles
Batman and the Alfred gamble
Batman & Wonder Woman’s villain switcheroo
Punching with Power Girl, Pt. 1
Nightwing, Batman’s son
Batman and Superman for kids
Catwoman, Batman, Zatanna, and the mind-wipe, Pt. 1
Catwoman, Batman, Zatanna, and the mind-wipe, Pt. 2
Green Lantern bonds with Batman
Green Arrow & Batman pal around, Pt. 1
Green Arrow & Batman pal around, Pt. 2
Batman loves Gordon
Nightwing’s Blockbuster confession
Sad JLA: Batman
Batman & Plastic Man scare children
Batman: the Dark Knight gladiator
The Batman and Impulse team-up
Robin’s adoption and the uncle situation
Bane & Batman: Knightfall
Batman & Azrael: KnightsEnd
Batman & Azrael: round two
Batman overcomes his venom addiction
Batman and Superman switch powers, Pt. 1
Batman and Superman switch powers, Pt. 2
Batman and Superman switch powers, Pt. 3
Batman vs. Bane: New 52
The origin of Matches Malone
The real origin of Matches Malone
Catwoman and Matches Malone fight crime
The origin of Deadshot
The return of Deadshot
Batman and Silver St. Cloud fall in love
Batman loves Zatanna
The story of Catwoman’s daughter
The Batman and Daredevil team up
The Batman and Daredevil team up 2
Batman vs. Punisher 2
The Batman and Superman blame game, Pt. 1
The Batman and Superman blame game, Pt. 2

Batman (Terry McGinnis)
Batman Beyond vs. Justice League

Batwoman (Kate Kane)
Superheroes and Judaism, Pt. 2
The inner thoughts of Killer Croc

Batman & Wonder Woman’s villain switcheroo

Black Adam
The tragic love of Black Adam & Isis

Black Canary
Sportsmaster’s reign of terror

Black Manta
Aquaman, Mera, and their Aquababy, Pt. 1
Aquaman vs. Black Manta
Aquaman vs. Black Manta: round two, Pt. 1

Black Mask
Black Mask: Gotham’s mob boss
Catwoman vs. Black Mask, Pt. 1
Catwoman vs. Black Mask, Pt. 2
Catwoman vs. Black Mask, Pt. 3

Nightwing kills Blockbuster

Booster Gold
Booster Gold vs. Doomsday

Captain Boomerang
Red Robin vs. Australia’s Finest

Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel & Superman have a moment
The tragic love of Black Adam & Isis

Who is the dreaded Carpenter?

Important Batman hero and villain questions finally answered

Batman and Catwoman fight crime, fall in love
Catwoman vs. Black Mask, Pt. 1
Catwoman vs. Black Mask, Pt. 2
Catwoman vs. Black Mask, Pt. 3
Catwoman loves Batman
Wildcat’s getting old
Catwoman, Batman, Zatanna, and the mind-wipe, Pt. 1
Catwoman, Batman, Zatanna, and the mind-wipe, Pt. 2
Catwoman and Matches Malone fight crime
Catwoman with superpowers, Pt. 1
Catwoman with superpowers, Pt. 2
The story of Catwoman’s daughter
The vengeance of Catwoman, Pt. 1
The vengeance of Catwoman, Pt. 2

Robin trapped in concrete

David Cain
Batgirl’s daddy issues

Superman and the Darkseid beatdown

The origin of Deadshot
The return of Deadshot
The race for Deadshot’s son
Deadshot vs. Green Arrow
Deadshot vs. everyone

Black Mask: Gotham’s mob boss
Deathstroke fights the entire JLA
The Atom takes on the Titans

Martian Manhunter vs. Despero, Pt. 1
Martian Manhunter vs. Despero, Pt. 2

Aquaman and Mera meet again

Booster Gold vs. Doomsday

Green Lantern and the Fatality problem

Flash (Wally West)
The worst day of Flash’s life
Sad JLA: Flash
Flash’s airplane free fall

Nightwing vs. Firefly, Pt. 1
Nightwing vs. Firefly, Pt. 2

Gorilla Grodd
Gorilla Grodd is sad

Green Arrow (Connor Hawke)
Green Arrow, kung fu master, Pt. 1
Green Arrow, kung fu master, Pt. 2
Green Arrow, kung fu master, Pt. 3
Green Arrow fights a dragon

Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
Green Arrow & Batman pal around, Pt. 1
Green Arrow & Batman pal around, Pt. 2
The death of Green Arrow
Green Arrow, Riddler, and demons, Pt. 1
Green Arrow, Riddler, and demons, Pt. 2
Green Arrow, Riddler, and demons, Pt. 3
Deadshot vs. Green Arrow
Green Arrow’s arrow duel

Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
Hal Jordan vs. Guy Gardner
Hal Jordan vs. Guy Gardner: first blood

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Green Lantern bonds with Batman
Hal Jordan, the ring-less Green Lantern
Hal Jordan vs. Guy Gardner
Hal Jordan vs. Guy Gardner: first blood

Green Lantern (John Stewart)
What ever happened to Green Lantern and Hawkgirl?
Sad JLA: Green Lantern
The time John Stewart blew up Xanshi

Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
Green Lantern vs. Sinestro vs. Weaponer, Pt. 1
Green Lantern vs. Sinestro vs. Weaponer, Pt. 2
Green Lantern and the Fatality problem

Green Lantern Corps
Death of the Green Lanterns

Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn visits the folks
Nothing romantic about Harley Quinn & Joker

Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders)
Hawkman loves Hawkgirl

Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)
What ever happened to Green Lantern and Hawkgirl?

Hawkman (Carter Hall)
Hawkman loves Hawkgirl

Huntress loves Nightwing
Huntress and Scarecrow go to church
Joker’s No Man’s Land: Huntress

Impulse (Bart Allen)
Impulse and the library
The Batman and Impulse team-up

Injustice Society
Wildcat vs. Injustice Society

James “Jim” Gordon
Joker’s No Man’s Land: Gordon
Batman loves Gordon

Lex Luthor and Joker: bosom buddies
Robin vs. the Joker
Batman vs. Joker vs. Ra’s al Ghul
Nothing funny about Joker and the GCPD
Joker’s No Man’s Land: Huntress
Joker’s No Man’s Land: Gordon
Nothing romantic about Harley Quinn & Joker
Azrael & Batgirl meet the Joker

Justice League of America
Deathstroke fights the entire JLA
JLA’s White Martian trouble, Pt. 1
JLA’s White Martian trouble, Pt. 2
Picking the Justice League

Killer Croc
The inner thoughts of Killer Croc

Krypto tales
Midweek Superman slugfest

Lady Shiva
Batgirl’s death duel against Lady Shiva
Green Arrow, kung fu master, Pt. 3

Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor and Joker: bosom buddies
Supergirl fights Luthor, JLA, Supergirl
Scarecrow and the Sinestro Corps ring
Lex Luthor on Superman
Steel vs. Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor’s ’90s mystery hair, Pt. 1
Lex Luthor’s ’90s mystery hair, Pt. 2
Lex Luthor’s ’90s mystery hair, Pt. 3
Lex Luthor’s ’90s mystery hair, Pt. 4

Livewire attempts crime

Martian Manhunter
Sad JLA: Martian Manhunter
Martian Manhunter guest post!
JLA’s White Martian trouble, Pt. 1
JLA’s White Martian trouble, Pt. 2
Martian Manhunter vs. Despero, Pt. 1
Martian Manhunter vs. Despero, Pt. 2
The time John Stewart blew up Xanshi

Manhunter (Kate Spencer)
Fighting crime with Manhunter

Aquaman, Mera, and their Aquababy, Pt. 2
Aquaman, Mera, and their Aquababy, Pt. 3
Aquaman and Mera meet again
Aquaman and Mera’s reconciliation, Pt. 1
Aquaman and Mera’s reconciliation, Pt. 2
Aquaman vs. Black Manta: round two, Pt. 2

Mr. Freeze
The animated love of Mr. Freeze & Nora
The further animated love of Mr. Freeze & Nora

Mongul and Sinestro’s throne smackdown
Superman’s birthday (the famous one)

Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Huntress loves Nightwing
Jailbreak: Nightwing
Therapy with Batman & Nightwing
Nightwing, Batman’s son
Nightwing kills Blockbuster
Nightwing vs. Firefly, Pt. 1
Nightwing vs. Firefly, Pt. 2
Nightwing’s Blockbuster confession

Nora Fries
The animated love of Mr. Freeze & Nora
The further animated love of Mr. Freeze & Nora

The Batman and Superman blame game, Pt. 1
The Batman and Superman blame game, Pt. 2

Batman: the Dark Knight gladiator

Plastic Man
Batman & Plastic Man scare children
The redemption of Plastic Man

Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy’s poisonous orphans

Power Girl
Power Girl and the alien Fabio
Punching with Power Girl, Pt. 1
Punching with Power Girl, Pt. 2
Wonder Woman vs. Power Girl
Power Girl fights dinosaurs

Ra’s al Ghul
Batman vs. Joker vs. Ra’s al Ghul
Batman & Wonder Woman’s villain switcheroo

Red Hood (Jason Todd)
Black Mask: Gotham’s mob boss
Robin vs. Red Hood
Severely mismatched super battles
Green Arrow & Batman pal around, Pt. 1
Green Arrow & Batman pal around, Pt. 2

Resurrection Man
Supergirl’s unfortunate promise

Green Arrow, Riddler, and demons, Pt. 1
Green Arrow, Riddler, and demons, Pt. 2

Robin (Damian Wayne)
Scarecrow and the Sinestro Corps ring
Robin and Zsasz in the child arena

Robin (Tim Drake)
Red Robin vs. Australia’s Finest
Red Robin strikes again
Robin vs. the Joker
Robin vs. Red Hood
A love reunion with Batgirl and Red Robin
Robin & Supergirl take on Arkham Asylum
Robin’s blown secret identity
Robin’s birds and bees
Robin’s school shooting, Pt. 1
Robin’s school shooting, Pt. 2
Robin loves Jubilee
Robin’s adoption and the uncle situation
Robin trapped in concrete

Huntress and Scarecrow go to church
Scarecrow and the Sinestro Corps ring

Silver St. Cloud
The return of Deadshot
Batman and Silver St. Cloud fall in love

Mongul and Sinestro’s throne smackdown
Green Lantern vs. Sinestro vs. Weaponer, Pt. 1
Green Lantern vs. Sinestro vs. Weaponer, Pt. 2

Sinestro Corps
Death of the Green Lanterns

Speedy (Mia Dearden)
Green Arrow & Batman pal around, Pt. 1
Green Arrow & Batman pal around, Pt. 2
Green Arrow, Riddler, and demons, Pt. 3

Wildcat vs. Sportsmaster
The adventures of Sportsmaster
Sportsmaster’s reign of terror

Steel (John Henry Irons)
Steel vs. Lex Luthor

Superboy (Connor Kent)
Batgirl & Superboy’s whirlwind romance
Aquaman vs. Superboy

Superman and the Supermen war, Pt. 1
Superman and the Supermen war, Pt. 2
Supergirl fights Luthor, JLA, Supergirl
Supergirl’s unfortunate promise
Scarecrow and the Sinestro Corps ring
Robin & Supergirl take on Arkham Asylum
Livewire attempts crime

Superman and the genre-switching kryptonite
Wonder Woman vs. Superman
Superman vs. Earth-Man
Superman and the Supermen war, Pt. 1
Superman and the Supermen war, Pt. 2
Supergirl fights Luthor, JLA, Supergirl
Superman and the Darkseid beatdown
Krypto tales
Captain Marvel & Superman have a moment
Midweek Superman slugfest
Severely mismatched super battles
Superman being awesome
Lex Luthor on Superman
Clark Kent’s fight for justice
Superman and the Subjekt 17 problem
Batman and Superman for kids
Power Girl fights dinosaurs
Superman’s birthday (the famous one)
The death of Green Arrow
Sad JLA: Superman
Superman saves New Years
Livewire attempts crime
Batman and Superman switch powers, Pt. 1
The Batman and Superman blame game, Pt. 1
The Batman and Superman blame game, Pt. 2
Lex Luthor’s ’90s mystery hair, Pt. 3

Uncle Sam
A better America with Uncle Sam

Power Girl and the alien Fabio

Victor Zsasz
Batman and the Alfred gamble
Robin and Zsasz in the child arena

Wildcat’s getting old
Wildcat vs. Injustice Society
Wildcat vs. Sportsmaster

Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman vs. Superman
Batgirl goes clubbing
Wonder Woman’s Batman dilemma
Wonder Woman’s Medusa rumble, Pt. 1
Wonder Woman’s Medusa rumble, Pt. 2
Batman & Wonder Woman’s villain switcheroo
Wonder Woman (with monkeys and Nazis)
Wonder Woman vs. Power Girl
Sad JLA: Wonder Woman

Batgirl goes clubbing
Zatanna: be kind, rewind
Non-violent interludes and other happy tales
Catwoman, Batman, Zatanna, and the mind-wipe, Pt. 1
Catwoman, Batman, Zatanna, and the mind-wipe, Pt. 2
Power Girl fights dinosaurs
Batman loves Zatanna

Superman and the Supermen war, Pt. 1
Superman and the Supermen war, Pt. 2

Zoom (Hunter Zolomon)
The worst day of Flash’s life


Invincible vs. Conquest
Random panels!
Random panels: godly edition!
Random panels 3!
Superman copes with the election
Gay superheroes are the least weird things in comics
Intermission (personal commentary)
The roast of the Fantastic Four, Pt. 1
The roast of the Fantastic Four, Pt. 2


A study on Transmetropolitan or why you want to be like Spider Jerusalem
On Sandman, or how to properly retell a story

Cammi and the Avengers Arena

After the Marvel event Annihilation wraps up in 2007, the cosmic superheroes change drastically. Star-Lord teams up with Rocket Raccoon and Groot for the first time, bringing in Drax, Gamora, Phyla-Vell, and Adam Warlock less than a year later to form the Guardians of the Galaxy.  Ronan the Accuser briefly rules the Kree empire.  Nova rebuild the entire Nova Corps.  The Shi’ar go to war with the Kree and the Inhumans.  Lots of stuff.  But no Cammi.  She doesn’t show again until 2013.  We’ll first take a look at what she’s been up to in Avengers Arena #3, written by Dennis Hopeless and drawn by Kev Walker.

Quickly, let’s discuss Avengers Arena.  It’s Marvel’s Hunger Games.  Marvel’s Battle Royale.  The supervillain Arcade snags sixteen teenagers and forces them to fight each other to the death.  A simple premise, an always great concept, and an interesting way to bring back characters we thought had disappeared.  The roster includes Cammi, Darkhawk, five from Avengers Academy (Hazmat, Reptil, Mettle, Juston, and X-23), two Runaways (Nico and Chase), and seven brand new characters. Meet the new Cammi, definitely not the same as the old Cammi:



Yes, space has been good to the rude little girl we last knew.  Two years have past in the Marvel universe, our dear protagonist hitting puberty among space pirates and other outlaws.  What has Cammi accomplished in those formative preteen years?  Well, getting captured by SWORD for one, but it’s not as if we expected Cammi to run an outer space soup kitchen or anything.  Her father figure Drax has been too busy saving the galaxy and knifing bad guys to keep an eye on her.



Special Agent Abigail Brand of SWORD acts as Nick Fury for anything outside of Earth’s atmosphere. Brand is also Beast’s girlfriend, just so you know.  Want these two lovers’ back story?  Of course you do.  Anyway, y’see, Cammi doesn’t need Drax to continue on that path of her insane fearlessness.  She can finally defend herself beyond provoking Drax into stabbing whoever bothers her.  I’m just saying that while normal 13 year-old girls learn math and science at school, Cammi figured out that while in a gymnastic pose, she could steal fuel from an active, patrolling Sh’iar battleship.  The girl gets a slightly different education for her precious middle school years when she’s unsupervised.





The self-loathing runs deep in this girl.  That’s one of the requirements for a successful superhero.  For her further adventures as a child with a laser gun against twenty plus teenagers with superpowers, you can read the series.  Most importantly, she survives the ordeal, because we should think of Avengers Arena as the prequel to the next step in these PTSD-laced kids’ journey towards Avengers Undercover, the ongoing series she currently stars in.  Because what happens after a bunch of children have to murder each other?  Remember the reason Hank Pym gave for founding Avengers Academy in the first place: these students — all tortured by Norman Osborn during Dark Reign — were the most at risk of becoming supervillains.  No more Hank Pym now.  Let’s take a quick look at two scenes from Avengers Undercover #1 and #4, written by Hopeless and drawn by Walker.

Oh, on a happier note, Cammi receives a long-awaited reunion:



So where is she going with all her Avengers Arena buddies?  Well, I’m not going to tell you, but I will say that it rolls into a giant cluster of vengeance, bad decisions, and lose-lose situations.  Look, the kids are too young for the big time superhero teams, none of their school exist anymore, and the idealized adults expect these kids to go back to their normal lives doing normal things after they saw half of their peers die violently on Arcade’s island.  Arcade didn’t smother them with pillows — they all exploded or were hacked apart or blown away.  So as Avengers Undercover progresses past some vengeance, bad decisions, and lose-lose situations, there’s still one organization willing to take these kids in.  To teach them.  To provide for them.  To care for them.  That’s right: the Masters of Evil.





Three issues left until the series concludes.  But Cammi’ll be in my heart forever.